Statistics & Research about Tucson,AZ - Central Utah Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Tucson,AZ an area served by Central Utah Insurance

Phone : 520-323-0907

Real estate research for area nearby Central Utah Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Tanque Verde 385,500 1097 3.4
Tucson Estates 113,800 1020 10.8
Casas Adobes 199,800 950 5.7
Rincon Valley 353,500 673 2.3
Flowing Wells 64,300 766 14.3
Vail 233,300 1278 6.6
Rillito 9999 NA NA
Saddlebrooke 368,900 1261 4.1

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Central Utah Insurance

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Tanque Verde 360
Tucson Estates 372
Casas Adobes 3412
Willow Canyon 17
Rincon Valley 75
Flowing Wells 911
Rillito 50
Saddlebrooke 104
Summit 74
Tucson 57482
Sahuarita 279
Littletown 5
Elephant Head 38

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Central Utah Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Tanque Verde 2785
Tucson Estates 756
Casas Adobes 5620
Rincon Valley 754
Flowing Wells 519
Vail 1655
Saddlebrooke 297
Summit 147
Tucson 61997
Sahuarita 2982
Elephant Head 20

Number of vacant houses in places near by Central Utah Insurance

Place name Number of vacant houses
Campo Bonito 31
Tanque Verde 519
Tucson Estates 866
Casas Adobes 3060
Willow Canyon 47
Rincon Valley 295
Flowing Wells 961
Vail 360
Saddlebrooke 1079
Summit 326
Tucson 47310
Sahuarita 1556
Littletown 87
Elephant Head 53

Number of blacks in places near by Central Utah Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Tanque Verde 147
Tucson Estates 497
Casas Adobes 956
Rincon Valley 129
Flowing Wells 320
Vail 501
Rillito 12
Saddlebrooke 22
Tucson 33120
Sahuarita 635
Elephant Head 5