Statistics & Research about Prescott,AZ - F A Peabody Company

Here are some statistics & research about Prescott,AZ an area served by F A Peabody Company

Phone : (928) 445-8720

Real estate research for area nearby F A Peabody Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Peeples Valley 112,500 793 8.5
Wilhoit 90,000 675 9
Bagdad 80,400 491 7.3
Chino Valley 163,100 692 5.1
Yavapai County 199,200 832 5.0
Prescott 212,800 798 4.5
Williamson 381,200 1320 4.2
Prescott Valley 174,700 871 6.0
Paulden 157,200 1252 9.6

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Wilhoit 18
Chino Valley 89
Yavapai County 1964
Prescott 1354
Williamson 94
Prescott Valley 313

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Peeples Valley 319000
Wilhoit 83300
Chino Valley 175500
Yavapai County 262900
Prescott 285800
Williamson 461300
Prescott Valley 225100
Paulden 172800

Number of new houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of new houses
Yavapai County 255900
Prescott 207700

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by F A Peabody Company

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Peeples Valley 118300
Wilhoit 116300
Bagdad 38300
Chino Valley 168400
Yavapai County 208500
Prescott 212800
Williamson 396200
Prescott Valley 168900
Paulden 164300