Statistics & Research about Gilbert,AZ - Pinnacle Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Gilbert,AZ an area served by Pinnacle Insurance Group

Phone : 480-474-0334

Real estate research for area nearby Pinnacle Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Rio Verde 459000 NA NA
Komatke 85,300 258 3.6
Fountain Hills 357,700 1143 3.8
Sacaton 43,500 279 7.7
Stotonic Village 118,800 242 2.4
Coolidge 87,600 730 10
Casa Grande 117,300 814 8.3
Salt River 68,300 606 10.6
Paradise Valley 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Tempe 213,700 920 5.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Pinnacle Insurance Group

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Rio Verde 1125
Komatke 92
Fountain Hills 4255
Sacaton 238
Stotonic Village 59
Coolidge 1805
Casa Grande 7006
Salt River 963
Paradise Valley 538
Tempe 22723
Maricopa 1121
Maricopa Colony 12
Sun Lakes 7148
Sacaton Flats Village 42
Sacate Village 21

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Pinnacle Insurance Group

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Fountain Hills 112000
Coolidge 65600
Casa Grande 115600
Salt River 97500
Paradise Valley 1000001
Tempe 194400
Maricopa 19600
Maricopa Colony 303800
Sun Lakes 164200

Number of new houses in places near by Pinnacle Insurance Group

Place name Number of new houses
Sacaton 34500
Casa Grande 120700
Paradise Valley 1000001
Tempe 465600
Maricopa 177300

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Pinnacle Insurance Group

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Rio Verde 73
Komatke 53
Fountain Hills 1864
Sacaton 97
Stotonic Village 40
Coolidge 1514
Casa Grande 5087
Salt River 439
Paradise Valley 2542
Tempe 11254
Maricopa 5644
Maricopa Colony 36
Sun Lakes 214
Sacaton Flats Village 61