Statistics & Research about Casa Grande,AZ - Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Casa Grande,AZ an area served by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 520-421-9231

Real estate research for area nearby Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Eloy 85,600 731 10.2
Blackwater 87,500 544 7.5
Pinal County 123,300 945 9.2
Cactus Forest 108500 NA NA
Queen Creek 240,000 1453 7.3
Casa Grande 117,300 814 8.3
Chandler 244,900 1160 5.7
Maricopa 132,100 1243 11.3
Chuichu 156300 NA NA
Vaiva Vo 9999 NA NA

Number of old houses in places near by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Eloy 102500
Pinal County 82500
Casa Grande 118900
Chandler 148800
Sun Lakes 307600

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Eloy 1751
Blackwater 26
Pinal County 33959
Cactus Forest 44
Queen Creek 3398
Casa Grande 5087
Chandler 39543
Maricopa 5644
Chuichu 15
Upper Santan Village 11
Sun Lakes 214
Goodyear Village 71

Number of blacks in places near by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Eloy 1952
Blackwater 8
Pinal County 16664
Queen Creek 726
Casa Grande 3083
Chandler 16742
Maricopa 3674
Sun Lakes 148

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Eloy 96100
Blackwater 9999
Pinal County 127800
Cactus Forest 124300
Queen Creek 336400
Casa Grande 77400
Chandler 251400
Maricopa 173300
Vaiva Vo 9999
Sun Lakes 271500
Goodyear Village 50800