Statistics & Research about Maricopa,AZ - Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Maricopa,AZ an area served by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 480-706-1805

Real estate research for area nearby Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Maricopa 132,100 1243 11.3
Gilbert 235,500 1270 6.5
Wet Camp Village 23200 NA NA
Queen Creek 240,000 1453 7.3
Casa Grande 117,300 814 8.3
Coolidge 87,600 730 10
Sweet Water Village 68800 NA NA
Komatke 85,300 258 3.6
Vaiva Vo 9999 NA NA
Gila River 64,600 335 6.2

Number of whites in places near by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Maricopa 31491
Gilbert 173893
Wet Camp Village 4
Queen Creek 21768
Casa Grande 43658
Coolidge 12907
Komatke 47
Gila River 432
Goodyear 54076
Blackwater 10
Upper Santan Village 9
Sacaton 294

Number of old houses in places near by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Gilbert 141400
Casa Grande 118900
Coolidge 68400

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Maricopa 5644
Gilbert 22818
Queen Creek 3398
Casa Grande 5087
Coolidge 1514
Sweet Water Village 11
Komatke 53
Gila River 603
Sacaton Flats Village 61
Goodyear 7325
Blackwater 26
Upper Santan Village 11
Sacaton 97

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Pro Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Maricopa 1991
Gilbert 9043
Queen Creek 1867
Casa Grande 900
Coolidge 393
Komatke 38
Gila River 32
Goodyear 1192
Blackwater 9