Statistics & Research about Oro Valley,AZ - Robert J Totsky

Here are some statistics & research about Oro Valley,AZ an area served by Robert J Totsky

Phone : 520-750-1166

Real estate research for area nearby Robert J Totsky

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Red Rock 125,400 1580 15.1
Tucson 185,500 775 5.0
Flowing Wells 64,300 766 14.3
Tanque Verde 385,500 1097 3.4
Oro Valley 293,600 1039 4.2
Florence 111,000 866 9.4
Marana 222,200 1193 6.4
Rillito 9999 NA NA
Avra Valley 117,800 794 8.1

Number of whites in places near by Robert J Totsky

Place name Number of whites
Red Rock 1241
Tucson 684360
Flowing Wells 13347
Tanque Verde 15322
Summerhaven 32
Oro Valley 35589
Florence 29280
Marana 27815
Avra Valley 4867
Littletown 114
Oracle 3372
Mammoth 974
Nelson 683
Picture Rocks 7840

Number of vacant houses in places near by Robert J Totsky

Place name Number of vacant houses
Red Rock 80
Tucson 47310
Flowing Wells 961
Tanque Verde 519
Summerhaven 269
Oro Valley 2563
Florence 3113
Marana 1552
Avra Valley 465
Littletown 87
Oracle 88
Mammoth 192
Nelson 29
Picture Rocks 632

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Robert J Totsky

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Red Rock 128200
Tucson 232700
Flowing Wells 100400
Tanque Verde 529000
Oro Valley 358900
Florence 162700
Marana 242800
Avra Valley 140100
Oracle 106500
Picture Rocks 165100

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Robert J Totsky

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Tucson 57482
Flowing Wells 911
Tanque Verde 360
Summerhaven 126
Oro Valley 973
Florence 1508
Marana 622
Rillito 50
Avra Valley 264
Littletown 5
Oracle 160
Mammoth 68
Picture Rocks 424