Statistics & Research about Apache Junction,AZ - The Adams Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Apache Junction,AZ an area served by The Adams Agency Llc

Phone : 480-924-2600

Real estate research for area nearby The Adams Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Scottsdale 396,700 1127 3.4
Superior 82,100 606 8.9
Tonto National Forest 646,800 1357 2.5
Gold Canyon 261,000 1245 5.7
Guadalupe 94,600 483 6.1
Queen Creek 240,000 1453 7.3
Rio Verde 459000 NA NA
Queen Valley 120400 NA NA
Upper Santan Village 51300 NA NA
Apache Junction 93,400 734 9.4

Number of whites in places near by The Adams Agency Llc

Place name Number of whites
Scottsdale 198875
Superior 2176
Tonto National Forest 8599
Gold Canyon 9755
Guadalupe 2102
Queen Creek 21768
Rio Verde 1788
Queen Valley 599
Upper Santan Village 9
Apache Junction 32536
Gila River 432
Chandler 316022
Phoenix 2406874
Roosevelt 91
Goodyear Village 10

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by The Adams Agency Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Scottsdale 381500
Superior 82400
Tonto National Forest 465900
Gold Canyon 193800
Guadalupe 83000
Queen Creek 267200
Rio Verde 381500
Queen Valley 89600
Apache Junction 85100
Gila River 107600
Chandler 203200
Phoenix 173700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by The Adams Agency Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Scottsdale 41587
Superior 686
Tonto National Forest 2417
Gold Canyon 3736
Guadalupe 585
Queen Creek 2511
Rio Verde 491
Queen Valley 93
Upper Santan Village 53
Apache Junction 5291
Gila River 1317
Chandler 55235
Phoenix 445657
Roosevelt 5
Goodyear Village 73

Number of blacks in places near by The Adams Agency Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Scottsdale 4072
Tonto National Forest 3
Gold Canyon 58
Guadalupe 31
Queen Creek 726
Apache Junction 325
Gila River 34
Chandler 16742
Phoenix 164805