Statistics & Research about Flagstaff,AZ - The Mahoney Group

Here are some statistics & research about Flagstaff,AZ an area served by The Mahoney Group

Phone : 928-774-0606

Real estate research for area nearby The Mahoney Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mountainaire 268,600 1205 5.4
Flagstaff 283,900 999 4.2
Doney Park 292,500 1044 4.3
Sedona 420,000 1051 3.0
Munds Park 243200 NA NA
Leupp 66,100 423 7.7
Fort Valley 410,800 2001 5.8
Kachina Village 219,400 1064 5.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by The Mahoney Group

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Mountainaire 235
Flagstaff 13257
Doney Park 119
Sedona 2606
Munds Park 1507
Leupp 82
Fort Valley 37
Kachina Village 676

Number of vacant houses in places near by The Mahoney Group

Place name Number of vacant houses
Mountainaire 202
Flagstaff 12347
Doney Park 78
Sedona 1462
Munds Park 3065
Leupp 37
Fort Valley 94
Kachina Village 741

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by The Mahoney Group

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Mountainaire 266400
Flagstaff 272200
Doney Park 309600
Sedona 442700
Fort Valley 366700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by The Mahoney Group

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Flagstaff 1525
Doney Park 62
Sedona 71
Munds Park 56
Leupp 1
Fort Valley 61